Looking for a career? Volunteer!

ESN International news - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 09:34

Eero Loonurm, a former ESNer, has become Communication Manager of the Archimedes Foundation: a national institution for education, training, and research in Estonia.

There is a story behind every success, and there are many success stories which have been realised thanks to volunteering in ESN. Eero Loonurm from Tallinn, Estonia, is someone who started writing his own story within ESN. After finishing his Erasmus exchange in Granada, Spain, he started his journey in ESN as a local Board Member, then as local President, and after that as the National Representative (NR) of Estonia.

Some of his main tasks were organising activities for international students, drafting contracts with universities, and cooperating with other NGOs and private companies. He even helped organise the Northern European Platform (NEP) in Estonia as well as planned and facilitated various workshops during international events such as the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and NEP. Having done all this in ESN, he had a bright future ahead of him professionally.

Today, he is the Head of Communication for the Archimedes Foundation, an Estonian governmental institution that implements different national and international projects for in the fields of education, youth and research. When asked how ESN helped him obtain this position, Eero said:

“ESN gave me everything, all the skills to run meetings, to develop and improve the organisation, marketing and communication skills, to think big and to support my colleagues. ESN also gave me the mentality that everything is possible.”

Through his past work in ESN, Eero was able to make positive changes in his section and even on the international level of ESN. He believes that ESN can only be strong if volunteers give something back to the organisation. He is still committed to ESN and willing to help future generations make the best of their sections and bring about much-needed development.

Eero Loonurm is one example of the many success stories that came to fruition thanks to ESN. These types of experiences are about meeting people and serving as an effective individual in a community where everyone shares the same goals. It is all about volunteering in different fields for the same objective. All this is found in ESN.

Being an ESNer does not only mean being part of a network; being an ESNer means making a difference in a community. Being an ESNer is going beyond the concrete and pursuing one’s dreams and passions. ESN helps you find out who you really are, what you really want to achieve and why you want to do it. ESN is not simply an organisation, it changes your way of thinking and is a constant source of inspiration.



Written by Jesús Escriva Muñoz, Stefan Jahnke and Sara Panis
Edited by Amenie Mehrez

Categories: ESN International

MappED! Project Launched in Brussels

ESN International news - Mon, 01/02/2016 - 18:19

From 14th to 15th January, Brussels was the centre of attention for a consortium of partners gathering to collectively launch MappED!, a project that works towards improveing educational mobility for students with disabilities.

The goal of MappED! is to provide equal opportunities to students with disabilities for their participation in the Erasmus+ Programme, so that they are better informed about their rights, the procedures involved and the support services they are entitled to. It also aims to reduce the disparities in learning outcomes affecting disadvantaged learners by increasing the number of students with disabilities participating in Erasmus+ exchanges. Representing a wide spectrum of stakeholders, project partners include ESN AISBL, IxESN France, Jaccede, AHEAD, UNICA, the University of Vigo and University of Warsaw.

"MappED! is a follow up on the ExchangeAbility and MapAbility projects, and as such will provide students with information regarding the accessibility of not only university facilities, but also the surrounding establishments and services available in the city. It will do so via a digital platform with an improved interface that will be available both as a web portal and as a mobile application," explains Adam Farnik, coordinator of the project.

During the meeting, partners discussed project coordination and task division, along with finer details regarding the project's execution. A highlight of the agenda was the discussion on the creation of an infocenter that would gather all relevant information on Erasmus+ exchanges from the perspective of a student with disabilities. Needless to say, ESN is excited about what's to come!

For more information, please contact Adam Farnik, MappED! Project Coordinator.

Categories: ESN International

Volunteers: Heroes of the Modern Age

ESN International news - Mon, 25/01/2016 - 16:42

If society is a damsel in distress, then volunteers are superheroes who are on call 24 hours a day. Why? Because it is rewarding in so many different ways! If you are wondering whether it’s worth the time then keep reading to find some of the benefits volunteering can offer you.

1. We develop new skills.

Through our work as volunteers we develop soft skills such as adaptability and problem solving, as well as hard skills such as proficiency in a foreign language and networking. Both sets of skills boost our employability and make us competitive in the labour market.

2. We travel.

Thanks to our activities, we can travel all across Europe, discover new places and meet new people. As much as travelling is a fun experience in itself, it also allows us to develop a sense of wonder, foster new values, and helps us realise what it truly means to identify yourself as a European citizen.

3. We learn informally.

Volunteering serves as a reflection of who you are―it shows that you have been active during your student years, that you took initiative, and that you performed in high, decision-making positions which helped you foster entrepreneurial and leadership skills. That is enough to set you apart from other candidates.

4. We work on improving ourselves.

Social interaction is a key component of life. Volunteering makes you open your door to strangers who soon become your family. It pushes you out of your shell and motivates you to work on improving yourself. Soon enough, you become a master of social and communication skills, and presenting yourself to new people brings you joy, not sweaty palms.

5. We learn languages.

Volunteering in an international environment does wonders for your language skills. It helps you improve the language you already know, practise speaking a language you have only started learning or get you into learning one you never thought about before. Plus, it looks amazing on your CV!


6. We celebrate differences.

For a continent with as rich a history as Europe, it is important to get a better understanding of other cultures, something we as volunteers have first-hand access to. Understanding leads to respect and respect leads to knowledge. Learning and participating in other people’s traditions, exploring their cuisines and discovering their differences is not only fun, but also rewarding.


7. We make friends.

The amount of people you meet through volunteering is one of its greatest advantages―you make a network so big, making sure you always have someone to turn to. We do not only meet potential employees, we make friends all over Europe which means that as volunteers we can offer you any piece of information you might need.

8. We inspire.

Volunteering can be a stepping stone for you. It is a source of motivation and inspiration—through various volunteering activities you can discover your career path.

9. We help people.

Volunteering is like asking yourself “Would you still do your job, even if you did not get paid for it?” Volunteers are people who are willing to invest their free time into helping others not because they have to do it, but because they want to do it. No matter what you are doing—helping international students find their place in a new surrounding or helping your local community—you matter. And is there a better way to end your day other than hearing a warm thank you?

10. We make a difference.

Interacting with people from other cultures can make you more open-minded, tolerant, and understanding. Volunteering can change your point-of-view, educate you and help you break stereotypes. You find yourself in situations you never thought you would be in, doing things you never thought you would be doing. You acquire knowledge and skills that can become your lifeline. Volunteering opens a whole new window of possibilities and experiences. You stop wanting to become better than other people and you start wanting to outgrow yourself. You become your own superhero.

Do you want to join our squad?


Written by Tajana Mohnacki

Categories: ESN International

Newsletter Erasmus Student Network Italia - Gennaio

ESN Italia Newsletter - Thu, 14/01/2016 - 12:08
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Il 2016 si prospetta un anno ricco di appuntamenti con ESN Italia. Il 6 febbraio sarà la volta di una prima grande reunion a Padova, in occasione del carnevale; a marzo, staffetta tra Puglia e Trentino: dal 4 al 6, Foggia ospiterà i lavori della prima Piattaforma Nazionale dell’anno, mentre, dal 17 al 20, si scia in compagnia di ESN Trento all’ormai storico ESNow. Aprile porterà con sé l’Annual General Meeting di Varsavia (7-10) per i nostri volontari, mentre i nostri Erasmus saranno impegnati ai NEG (National Erasmus Games) di Messina dal 15 al 17. E poi, tutti a Rimini per l’Evento Nazionale Erasmus, dal 19 al 22 maggio. Ma non crediate sia tutto: Genova ospiterà i lavori della seconda Piattaforma Nazionale, dal 3 al 5 Giugno. Pronti, partenza.. via! Website Facebook Twitter Instagram



ExchangeAbility: Il libro parlato

Integrazione e mobilità: per il 2016, ESN Italia si cimenta in un progetto in collaborazione con il Centro Internazionale del Libro Parlato (CLIP), e indice la ricerca di donatori di voce, volontari che si dedicheranno gratuitamente alla lettura di testi al fine di realizzare audiolibri per non vedenti.
Il materiale comprende testi italiani, ma anche spagnoli, tedeschi, francesi e inglesi.


ESN Italia 2016: meet the national Board 

Iniziare l’anno vuol dire avere anche un cambio della guardia ai vertici di ESN Italia. Il nuovo Direttivo Nazionale del Network Italiano è così composto: - Presidente: Angelo Campione - Vicepresidente: Valentina Presa - Segretaria: Laura Fulco - Rappresentante Nazionale: Simone Acquaviva - Responsabile Web e Comunicazione: Antonella Laurino. 
A tutti loro va il nostro augurio per un 2016 pieno di successi.


ESN & PACKLINK: Insieme per le tue spedizioni  

Sei in partenza per l'Erasmus, e tutto ciò a cui riesci a pensare è il peso della valigia? Con Packlink potrai spedire pacchi con sconti fino al 70%! Grazie alla partnership con ESN, hai subito un ulteriore sconto del 5% su tutte le spedizioni internazionali valido fino al 15/03/2016, semplicemente inserendo sul sito di Packlink il codice sconto ERASMUS2015.




ESN AURE CAMERINO è la prima section in the spotlight del 2016, e non è difficile capire il perché. 

ESN Camerino sta infatti portando avanti un progetto molto interessante, che nasce in collaborazione con la sezione LILT – Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori di Macerata e con il sostegno dell’Università di Camerino, dal titolo “Cucina e Salute”. Consiste in tre incontri, tra ottobre 2015 e gennaio 2016, durante i quali, sotto la guida di un medico o di altri esperti, si affrontano i temi della corretta alimentazione e della dieta mediterranea sia sotto un aspetto teorico che da un punto di vista pratico. Un esempio: il primo incontro, condotto da un biologo nutrizionista, verteva sul tema della buona alimentazione come prevenzione dall’insorgenza dei tumori, questo ciclo di appuntamenti è stato pensato per informare gli studenti Erasmus e per condividere con loro buone abitudini alimentari. 



--> ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale. Erasmus Student Network Italia

Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43121 Parma ITALY

info@esn.it _ board@esn.it

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Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Open Call: ARC5 Students’ Forum

ESN International news - Fri, 08/01/2016 - 11:05
What is ARC5?

Are you keen on contributing to policy proposals for higher education challenges in Asia and Europe? Are you interested in exploring the roles which universities and businesses play alongside governments in preparing the new generation for the labour market? Do you have innovative solutions to develop employability skills for the youth? Take the opportunity and join ARC5 to share your thoughts and answers with university and business leaders and, ultimately, with the Ministers of Education from 51 Asian and European countries.

What awaits you?

  • Participate in Plenary and Working Group sessions with inspiring keynote speakers and mentors from the education, business and government sector
  • Gain insights into the policy decision-making of the ASEM Education Process, as well as universities’ and employers’ perspectives on employability skills
  • Collaborate and exchange views with your peers from 51 countries
  • Fine-tune your soft skills and knowledge that will benefit your academic, professional and personal life
  • Raise questions, share solutions, and network with over 150 rectors, business leaders and government representatives

When & where?
  • 4-7 April 2016, Charles University
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Organised in conjunction with the 5th ASEM Rectors’ Conference (ARC5).
For whom?
  • Citizens of the 51 ASEM member countries
  • University students between 18 and 30 years old
  • Strong verbal and written command of English
  • There is no registration or participation fee. We provide accommodation, meals and a travel subsidy for the selected participants.
How to apply?
  • We look forward to your application HERE before Friday, 22 January, 2016!
  • If you have any further questions, take a look at the FAQ.
  • For all other questions, email us on arc@asef.org.
Attachment Files:  151210_ARC5_Open Call ARC5.pdf
Categories: ESN International

An Open Letter to Volunteers

ESN International news - Thu, 07/01/2016 - 14:41

Dear Volunteers,

Yes, you! All of you out there doing something extra. Something you don’t have to be doing. And doing it day and night in your free time. We’ve got something to tell you, but before we do that…  All of you deserve a thank you. Thank you for believing in yourself and in your efforts.Thank you for spending countless hours making a difference. Big or small, you do deserve a thank you.

Because the world needs somebody willing to clock in a couple of extra hours after coming back home from a long day at the university. The world needs somebody who believes in their efforts, unconditionally. The world needs somebody who is willing to tackle a problem not knowing much about it, to fail, learn from their mistakes, and try again. The world needs volunteers.

So what is it you’re doing? May it be helping international students get the most out of their exchange or involving people to help in their local communities; may it be researching the impact of education on the current youth or helping the elderly stay in shape, we all have something in common. We all have that spark in our eyes, the spark that shines the most when we are doing what we love, regardless of how tough the task is or how late at night it is.

It’s absolutely crazy to think of how many ways this spark can shine. The variety of expertise bubbling in your communities is just outstanding. Reaching from IT & programming, over education & policy making, all the way to human resources & management, just to name a few. Being volunteers, we have a unique chance to practise all we have learned already during our student times. What better time to stay hungry and foolish, not being afraid to make errors, to sharpen the skills we have learned?

And yet, we are often told that our volunteering is not a real-work experience. Why is that? Can it be because we don’t spend 8 hours a day doing what we do? Wait, that can’t be true, sometimes we dedicate even more time than that to our passions. Is it because we don’t do it for big commercial corporations? Or maybe it’s because nobody understands what we are actually doing as volunteers? What if it’s because we are not able to explain to them what we are learning...

How many times have you heard your parents, friends, or partner say that your volunteering is just a waste of time? Do they know what exactly you’re doing and learning? They wouldn’t dare to say you’re wasting your time if they knew how much there is to what you do.

Let’s make a deal. Let’s all make sure that in 2016 we will show the world what it means to be a volunteer. Let’s show everyone what we’ve learned through volunteering!

Yours sincerely,
the volunteers of the Erasmus Student Network

Categories: ESN International

#ErasmusPlusChat - 14th January

ESN International news - Mon, 04/01/2016 - 15:41

On 14th January 2016, between 3 and 4pm (Central European Time), the Erasmus Student Network and the European Commission will join forces in hosting the biggest online #ErasmusPlusChat so far.

The panel of hosts will include representatives from:

The online chat will be the first time that representatives from the four major stakeholder groups of the Erasmus+ programme are brought together to address the burning questions of potential Erasmus+ beneficaries. Questions regarding every step of the Erasmus+ experience, from the application process to practical questions regarding living abroad, will be accepted and answered live on social media.

Questions may be posed on the Facebook page of Erasmus+.

For more information, please contact:

Gaffar Rampage
Communication Manager of ESN

Categories: ESN International

EDIPUS: An Innovative New CV

ESN International news - Mon, 04/01/2016 - 14:07

A consortium led by the European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC) has embarked on a project that aims to innovate on the way students present themselves to prospective employers. The envisioned final product is the  European Digital Portfolio for University Students (EDIPUS) - a powerful new tool for all Higher Education students in Europe which will provide students with a tool called the Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP), where they can create their own portfolio of experiences and qualifications in a creative and professional way.

The portfolio will be semi-structured, allowing students to exercise creativity in the way they present their portfolio of experiences. EDIPUS aims to replace the traditional CV by offering a smarter, modern tool for students to express themselves, with social media functionalities as well as smartphone support. The digital portfolios will be hosted on an online platform with smart search capabilities, allowing employers to discover potential employees by filtering for competence preferences or job needs.

The tool is expected to contribute substantially to the development of students' self-assessment and communication skills. Besides the DPP, the project will also encompass a survey to gather feedback, an electronic user guidebook, and a training course to maximise the potential of the tool and platform.

Besides EAEC, partner organisations in the EDIPUS consortium include the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Enoros Consulting, the University of Piraeus Research Centre, UNIMED Mediterranean Universities Union, the Erasmus Student Network, the University of Vienna, Eurocrea Merchant and Fundacion Universidad Empresa Murcia.

For more information, please refer to the Press Release below.

Attachment Files:  Edipus_Press Release I.pdf
Categories: ESN International

Erasmus travel insurance through MAPFRE

ESN International news - Mon, 04/01/2016 - 14:05

Enjoy your ERASMUS experience with the best possible protection

If you have an accident or need medical care abroad, do you know who to turn to? Have you ever lost your luggage? Is your laptop protected from possible theft?

Through its online travel insurance platform InsureandGo, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA offers you assistance and covers all your medical requirements during your stay in any country under the Erasmus programme: repatriation in the event of an accident, lost documents, recovery of your luggage, medical care, etc. Travel safely, we will take charge of guaranteeing your peace of mind during your travel and in your destination country:

  • Call us if you have an accident, and you will be attended by our multilingual telephone service 24h a day, 365 days a year. Furthermore, with Mediphone, a medical guidance and advice service is available to you if you have any queries.
  • We will cover the costs of a relative’s transfer and accommodation in the event of hospitalization of the insured.
  • More than 26 million travellers in 185 countries now travel protected by us. What are you waiting for!

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Categories: ESN International

Section in the Spotlight: ESN UniBuc

ESN International news - Thu, 31/12/2015 - 16:11

In 2015, the Network hit a significant milestone of 500 sections across Europe. Each leaves an undeniable mark, with unique stories to tell. Proudly kicking off 2016, here is one shining example - the Section in the Spotlight of January: ESN UniBuc from Bucharest, Romania!

It all started in 2009 when a group of brave and innovative girls decided to found an ESN section in the Romanian capital to cater to the abundance of incoming international students. Not long after the establishment, ESN UniBuc became the most sought-after and innovative NGO dealing with mobility in Bucharest. What for some takes years of hard work, thanks to passionate and dedicated volunteers and a careful recruitment process, ESN UniBuc managed to do in just two.

The team consists of several departments - from events to SocialErasmus - creating a multicultural and enjoyable atmosphere not only for incoming exchange students but the local volunteers as well. ESN UniBuc welcomes the international community inside their inner working circle as well. The section takes pride in this, as they bring an international perspective that improves the quality of activities organised.

If you ever decide to do an exchange semester in Bucharest, ESN UniBuc will keep you occupied every week of the semester with various sorts of cultural and social activities. Visits to museums, traditional dinners, pub quizzes and trips to nearby attractions will let you get a glimpse of the rich Romanian culture. Numerous cleverly themed parties will serve as a great occasion for you to have fun and socialise. Signature trips such as Escape to Vama Veche and the annual Halloween in Transylvania will revive those Romanian legends we have all heard about leave you goosebumps.

"We are trying to motivate students more and more every time and show them that the Erasmus+ experience is more about integration in a foreign community and that their horizon is much more wider that they thought. From what we see, they are succeeding."

When it comes to implementing international ESN projects, SocialErasmus activities are always one step ahead of the others. Inspired by the widely popular “Humans of New York” campaign, ESN UniBuc has its very own version, “Humans of Bucharest by Erasmus+ which stands out as the flagship project of the section. SocialErasmus also serves as the field where local communities and institutions get involved in the work of the section and see Erasmus life from a different perspective.

The section plays a significant role on the national scale of the Network as well. They have acted as Organising Committee for the National Event 'Escape to Vama Veche' for two consecutive years and have no plans of stopping there. What drives these young volunteers in building a large international community in Bucharest?

"We want to help Erasmus+ students have the time of their lives, because this is what Erasmus should be. We want to help them grow as wonderful persons and learn about Romania. ESN UniBuc has become a family. The members make us unique."

Surely, the motivation is strong with this one.

by Karolis Kriuka

Categories: ESN International

Open Call: Administrator

ESN International news - Wed, 23/12/2015 - 14:32

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is Europe’s biggest student organisation, present in 500 Higher Education Institutions in 37 European countries. Our aim is to support and develop student mobility and the internationalisation of higher education, through providing services and opportunities to students. 

The Board of ESN International, based in Brussels, is looking for an Administrative assistant from January 2016/February 2016.

Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Office management
  • Webshop order management
  • Network administration
  • Event management support
  • Bachelors degree
  • Three-year working experience
  • Fluency in French and English
  • Competency in core Microsoft Office and Google tools
  • Precise, organised and proactive with strong interpersonal skills
Terms and conditions
  • Full-time position (38 hours/week)
  • One year contract with the opportunity for extension
  • Transportation partly covered as per Belgian law
  • Health insurance reimbursed

For more detailed information regarding the open call, please refer to the PDF attached. To apply, please send a short motivation letter and CV  to applications@esn.org by Sunday 10th January 2016, 23:59 CET.

Interviews will be scheduled and conducted on a rolling basis.

Attachment Files:  2015_12_Open_Call_Administrator.pdf
Categories: ESN International

Scopri l’offerta che BNL riserva ai possessori di ESNcard

ESN Italia Newsletter - Wed, 16/12/2015 - 15:12
Scopri l’offerta che BNL riserva ai possessori di ESNcard body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100% !important; margin:0; padding:0; width:100% !important; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } img,a img{ border:0; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ margin:0; padding:0; } p{ margin:1em 0; padding:0; } a{ word-wrap:break-word; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div{ line-height:100%; } table,td{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } body,table,td,p,a,li,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } #bodyCell{ padding:0; } .mcnImage{ vertical-align:bottom; } .mcnTextContent img{ height:auto !important; } body,#bodyTable{ background-color:#ffffff; } #bodyCell{ border-top:0; } h1{ color:#b1b1b1 !important; display:block; font-family:Helvetica; font-size:40px; 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line-height:125% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ td[class=rightColumnContainer] td[class=mcnTextContent],td[class=rightColumnContainer] td[class=mcnTextContent] p{ font-size:18px !important; line-height:125% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ td[class=footerContainer] td[class=mcnTextContent],td[class=footerContainer] td[class=mcnTextContent] p{ font-size:14px !important; line-height:115% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ td[class=footerContainer] a[class=utilityLink]{ display:block !important; } } View this email in your browser Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Apri il conto corrente Hello bank!
E per te un buono sconto da spendere su Amazon.it

SE APRI IL CONTO  HELLO BANK! ED IN PIU’ ACCREDITI LO STIPENDIO, OPPURE FAI UN VERSAMENTO DI ALMENO 1.000€, INSERENDO IL CODICE PROMOZIONE  ERS23420G TI VERRA’ REGALATO UN BUONO DA 200€ DA SPENDERE SU AMAZON.IT   ANCHE SE NON HAI LA RESIDENZA IN ITALIA, ma sei domiciliato in Italia e hai un codice fiscale italiano, puoi comunque sottoscrivere un conto corrente presso un’agenzia BNL.

L’offerta d’Agenzia BNL dedicata ai possessori di ESN CARD prevede:   UN CONTO A CANONE GRATUITO FINO AI 30 ANNI, CARTA DI DEBITO GRATUITA CON PRELIEVI GRATUITI SU TUTTI GLI ATM BNL E BONIFICI ONLINE GRATUITI.   SCOPRI L’OFFERTA Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionali. L’operazione a premi associata all’apertura del conto Hello Bank è valida fino al 15/12/2015 ed è riservata ai nuovi clienti Hello bank!, non migrati da BNL, che soddisfano le condizioni presenti nel regolamento. Clicca qui per visualizzare il regolamento riservato ai possessori della ESN Card che aprono il conto accreditando lo stipendio o versando almeno 1000€, mentre per consultare il Regolamento risevato ai possessori di ESNcard che aprono il conto clicca qui. Restrizioni applicate, dettagli su amazon.it.
Per le condizioni economiche e contrattuali dei prodotti BNL e Hello bank! consultare i fogli informativi e contratti disponibili, rispettivamente, in Agenzia e sito bnl.it e sul sito hellobank.it. ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale.
  Erasmus Student Network Italia   Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43100 Parma ITALY
info@esn.it - board@esn.it

  Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Open Call: Communication and Media Internship

ESN International news - Wed, 09/12/2015 - 13:53

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest student organisation in Europe. It was founded in 1989, with the aim to support and develop student mobility. As a European organisation, ESN uses multiple channels to maintain effective internal and external communication with the Network, our partners and stakeholders.

ESN offers a Communication and Media Internship for students or recent graduates to work on our communication projects in 2016 at the ESN international Secretariat (Rue Hydraulique 15, 1210 Brussels).

Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Assisting in all communication-related tasks, such as producing the newsletter, ESN.org, etc., implementation of social media communication, graphic designs and ESN’s online tools
  • Contribute to our internal ESN publications
Terms and conditions
  • Internship for a duration of 6 months
  • The successful applicant should start ideally at the beginning of January
  • Must have an Erasmus+ Placement or any other Internship Agreement / scholarship
  • Accommodation at the ESN house in Brussels is provided
  • Transport costs in Brussels are covered
Required skills and experience
  • Good knowledge of written and spoken English
  • Background in communication, media, graphic design or similar
  • Familiar with the concepts of Social Media and online marketing
  • Good knowledge of Adobe software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
  • Precise and organised way of working
  • Proficient user of Microsoft Office package
  • Capability of working in a team as well as independently
  • Comfortable working in a multicultural environment
  • Knowledge of the Erasmus Student Network is a plus
Highly valued
  • Knowledge of photography, video editing and/or animation tools
  • Knowledge of HTML and/or CSS, experience in web design
  • Fluency in other European languages

To apply, please send a short motivation letter, CV and examples of work related to communication and design to applications@esn.org by Sunday 27th December 2015 23:59 CET.

Interviews (via Skype) will be conducted the following week with the shortlisted applicants. Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any additional questions regarding the position.

Attachment Files:  2015_12_Open_Call_Communication_Intern.pdf
Categories: ESN International

Open Call: Web Project Internship

ESN International news - Wed, 09/12/2015 - 13:53

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest student organisation in Europe. It was founded in 1989, with the aim to support and develop student mobility. Every year, ESN maintains and develops several IT tools such as its intranet ESN Galaxy and its webpage template ESN Satellite.

ESN is looking for a Web Project Intern, so if you are a student or recent graduate in a related field,  send us your CV and motivation letter stating why you want to work on the web projects of ESN at the international headquarters (Rue Hydraulique 15, 1210 Brussels).

Terms and conditions
  • Internship for a duration of 6 months
  • The successful applicant should start ideally at the beginning of January
  • Must have an Erasmus Placement or any Internship Agreement
  • Accommodation at the ESN house in Brussels is provided
  • Transport costs in Brussels are covered 
Required skills and experience
  • Experience with Drupal
  • Structured and reliable way of working
  • Background in computer science, engineering or similar
  • Interest in web development
  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Basic knowledge of PHP (advanced knowledge is a plus)
  • Knowledge of MySQL is a plus
  • Knowledge of git is a plus
  • Knowledge of Drupal module development is a plus
  • Knowledge of ESN’s projects and especially its web projects is a plus
Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Concretise the functional design of a web project
  • Develop a web platform with Drupal
  • Assist the IT Committee*
  • Assist the office with IT related tasks
  • Assist the Web Project Administrator
  • Write project documentation

To apply, please send a short motivation letter and CV to applications@esn.org by Sunday 27th December 2015 23:59 CET. Interviews (via Skype) will be conducted the following week with the shortlisted applicants.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions regarding the position.

*The IT Committee of ESN, which works closely with the Web Project Administrator, aims at strengthening the organisation by developing IT systems for the whole network and providing assistance and advice about technological matters in general.

Attachment Files:  2015_12_Open_Call_Web_Project_Intern.pdf
Categories: ESN International

ESN reaches 500 Sections!

ESN International news - Mon, 07/12/2015 - 15:12

On the morning of Sunday 6th December 2015, ESN Poland found itself at a momentous point of time in the history of the Erasmus Student Network, when its member sections approved the candidacies of 4 new sections in the association during the National Platform in Mikołajki.

497: ESN Gdynia Maritime University
498: ESN Kazimierz Wielki University Bydgoszcz
499: ESN Opole University of Technology
500: ESN Częstochowa University of Technology

From our beginnings with the first section in 1989, ESN has now reached 500 sections, a major milestone for the largest student organisation in Europe!

That same day, ESN Lithuania approved the candidacies of the following 2 new sections during the National Platform in Vilnius, bringing the current tally up to 502.

501: ESN Lithuanian Sports University
502: ESN Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are releasing a brand new interactive map of ESN sections all around Europe. Click the image below to check it out!

A big thank you to all our volunteers across the network for making this happen!

Categories: ESN International

Scopri l’offerta che BNL riserva ai possessori di ESNcard

ESN Italia Newsletter - Mon, 07/12/2015 - 15:11
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  SCOPRI L’OFFERTA Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionali. L’operazione a premi associata all’apertura del conto Hello Bank è valida fino al 15/12/2015 ed è riservata ai nuovi clienti Hello bank!, non migrati da BNL, che soddisfano le condizioni presenti nel regolamento. Clicca qui per visualizzare il regolamento riservato ai possessori della ESN Card che aprono il conto accreditando lo stipendio o versando almeno 1000€, mentre per consultare il Regolamento risevato ai possessori di ESNcard che aprono il conto clicca qui. Restrizioni applicate, dettagli su amazon.it.
Per le condizioni economiche e contrattuali dei prodotti BNL e Hello bank! consultare i fogli informativi e contratti disponibili, rispettivamente, in Agenzia e sito bnl.it e sul sito hellobank.it. ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale.
  Erasmus Student Network Italia   Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43100 Parma ITALY
info@esn.it - board@esn.it

  Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Newsletter Erasmus Student Network Italia - Dicembre

ESN Italia Newsletter - Fri, 04/12/2015 - 18:37
Newsletter Erasmus Student Network Italia - Dicembre body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100% !important; margin:0; padding:0; width:100% !important; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } img,a img{ border:0; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ margin:0; padding:0; } p{ margin:1em 0; padding:0; } a{ word-wrap:break-word; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div{ line-height:100%; } table,td{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } body,table,td,p,a,li,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } #templatePreheader,#templateHeader,#templateBody,#templateSidebar,#templateSidebarInner,#templateBodyInner,#templateFooter{ min-width:100%; } #bodyCell{ padding:20px; } .mcnImage{ vertical-align:bottom; } .mcnTextContent img{ height:auto !important; } body,#bodyTable{ background-color:#F2F2F2; 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nuova edizione di Erasmus in Schools

Torna in una veste rinnovata Erasmus in Schools, l’iniziativa promossa da ESN Italia in collaborazione con l’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+/Indire, che vede nuovamente i volontari ESNers e gli studenti Erasmus organizzare incontri presso le quarte e quinte superiori e presentare ai liceali tutte le opportunità legate ai programmi di mobilità europea, che si tratti indifferentemente di borse a favore di scambi internazionali ai fini di volontariato, studio o lavoro. L’edizione 2015-16 si chiamerà Mov’in Students e nasce dal connubio con Mov’in Europe, progetto di ESN International, all’interno del quale i volontari di ESN assumono a tutti gli effetti il ruolo di ambasciatori della mobilità. 


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  • Milano IULM
    11 - 13 Dicembre



Gli attacchi del 13 novembre a Parigi non hanno colpito solo uno Stato o una popolazione, ma tutti noi, giovani di quella generazione Erasmus la cui passione per la mobilità e l'interculturalità è troppo grande per venire scalfita dall'odio di pochi.

Per esprimere il proprio cordoglio ed aprire un più che mai necessario dibattito, tantissime sezioni di ESN Italia si stanno adoperando in momenti di raccolta e crescita comunitaria in modo da non dimenticare e tenere sempre viva l'azione del nostro volontariato.

ESN Roma3  
#SocialErasmus #LeaveYourMark


Lunedì 16 novembre, a conclusione dell'Incontro Culturale Erasmus 2015, gli ESNers di Roma 3, insieme con i propri studenti Erasmus, si sono impegnati per ripulire i resti di una festa tenutasi il precedente venerdì. L'iniziativa, nata in maniera del tutto spontanea, rappresenta lo sprito social che contraddistingue il Network: in una città che, come Roma, spesso serie problematiche dal punto di vista civico, il contributo dei giovani è ancora una volta prezioso e decisivo.


Section Gift Exchange

Anche quest'anno la Network&Events Committee di ESN International propone il Section Gift Exchange. In cosa consiste? Ad ogni sezione del Network che ne manifesti il desiderio viene associata un'altra sezione, di diverso paese, a cui inviare un regalo per Natale.

Un'occasione per le sezioni di conoscersi e di stabilire un legame, in pieno spirito Pallomeri!      


Crazy Countdown 2015

Ancora una volta Milano ospiterà il Crazy Countdown, il capodanno Erasmus organizzato dalle sezioni di Politecnico Milano e Milano Statale, in collaborazione con le altre sezioni ESN presenti sul territorio.

Un appuntamento tradizionale ed un'occasione unica per gli studenti erasmus per visitare Milano e salutarsi prima delle vacanze. Presenti a questa edizione anche i delegati delle 49 sezioni italiane, riuniti in occasione la IV PiattaformaNazionale.




Con l'inverno allo porte il clima si irrigidisce e lo studio si intensifica. La fame, però non viene meno! Ma non disperare: Hellofood è qui per sostenerti! Innovativo servizio di food delivery, Hellofood ti permetterà di ordinare a domicilio uno spuntino goloso a qualsiasi ora del giorno e della notte! In più, grazie alla partnership con ESN Italia potrai usufruire del codice promo ESN3 per ottenere uno sconto di 3€ sul tuo ordine!




L'Associazione Studenti Internazionali Florentia, in seguito ESN Florentia, è un'associazione no profit attiva da ottobre 2010 sul territorio fiorentino e costituita da studenti dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Dopo soli tre anni dalla sua fondazione, l’Associazione si propone sul panorama internazionale organizzando, con il patrocinio dell’Assessore alle Politiche Giovanili e dell'Istruzione, il Council of National Representatives (CNR), organo strategico di ESN Internationall.
L'impegno di ESN Florentia si estende anche ai progetti di SocialErasmus, come la donazione di sangue presso l'ospedale pediatrico MEYER, il "Responsible party", un'iniziativa per diffondere il valore del “bere responsabilmente”, che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 800 persone. e la maratona contro la violenza sulle donne.


--> ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale. Erasmus Student Network Italia

Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43121 Parma ITALY

info@esn.it _ board@esn.it

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Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Section in the Spotlight: ESN UOPA

ESN International news - Tue, 01/12/2015 - 15:38

Winter is coming! From Norway to Spain, everyone is already wearing their coats! Nevertheless, the sun is still shining in Greece and it shines brightly on the Section in the Spotlight of December: ESN UOPA!

Dreams do in fact come true. You do not believe us? In June 2013, eight dreamers, some of them having tried the Erasmus experience, others with a passion for mobility and multicultural activities, decided to create ESN UOPA. They were determined to form part of the Network, working hard in order to become a full member section of ESN, which happened just a few months after the first members of ESN UOPA had joined forces! Nowadays, the section has 21 active members being lead by a board of six. All of them united, motivated and willing to help their incoming international students.

“Our thought and idea, is that working as an ESNer has to be fun and to enjoy ourselves through our work, so we are considering our section as a family, the Bee-family!”

One of the most important values of this section is their friendship, not only between their section members but also within their Erasmus students. Once you are in and with ESN UOPA, they do their best to make you feel like a part of their family. During their Introduction Day, this section makes sure to spend a fair amount of time in Ice-Breaking Games, where they get to know the Erasmus students as well as each other and all the members of the section.

Another example of this ESN UOPA’s willingness to bring people together and to share and care is their idea of creating a Local Platform. This event was born in order to motivate all their members to go further and reach higher, both on a national and an international level. They enjoy sharing experiences, providing information about the network and of course, having workshops and team-building sessions.

In ESN UOPA, everyone is constantly learning from each other. Erasmus students get to know a lot about the Greek culture and they have the possibility to actually live it. This section organises Greek traditional dinners, history lessons, dances, and visits to different museums and historical places in Patras and surroundings areas. ESN UOPA wants to make the international students feel like not only part of Greece, but of their own family as well.

“What makes our section unique is the fact that we actually DO care for our Erasmus students! We are there for them as their friends, their family, their brothers/sisters!”

In true Christmas spirit, this section reminds us of one of the most important values that we should not forget: to care for each other. Furthermore, they have also shown us that everything starts with an idea but it is up to you to make it happen. ESN UOPA might be a small section but by working together, it has achieved and will keep achieving big goals!

by Alejandra Dubeibe

Categories: ESN International

ESN Celebrates 10 Years in Brussels

ESN International news - Mon, 30/11/2015 - 18:16

Unity makes the force, they say, but unity without a face does little - and ESN has proven this true. This year marks the 10th anniversary of ESN’s arrival in Brussels, which happened during the autumn of 2005. ESN's move to the capital of Europe was a major milestone in the development of the network, from a purely bottom-up student agglomeration of local chapters to a more structured organisation, providing more and better services to sections and exchange students from all over Europe.

A constant presence in Brussels made it possible for ESN to be recognised and quickly become one of the main players in the field of student mobility at the European level, able to influence decision-makers on the development of European learning mobility programmes and a necessary interlocutor of the European Commission and other institutions in the field of higher education and student mobility.

Conference on the 20th Anniversary of the Erasmus programme.

It wasn’t long  until the first results came, to showcase the presence of ESN in Brussels and its meaning for a higher success in the organisation’s mission. In 2007, ESN celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus programme with a series of important events, including a conference on the future of Erasmus attended by a former European Commission Vice-President, Margot Walström,  former Commissioner Jan Figel, National Representatives and a group of dedicated ESN members. Some very vivid memories were made that day when all together they blew out 20 candles on the Erasmus birthday cake.

The celebrations for the 20th anniversary of Erasmus then progressed, featuring more than 300 “Erasmus Days” all over Europe. It included an online platform for sharing stories and testimonals of Erasmus alumni, and most importantly a tour of the 'Erasmus Van' that travelled for 25,000 km, visiting 40 European countries and connecting more than 100 Erasmus a day, tens of thousands of ESN volunteers, Erasmus students from hundreds of universities. Today, one can still read about these iconic celebrations on the European Commission website.

Moving into the first ESN House at Avenue du Onze Novembre 13.

What is important to point out is that none of the successes that ESN achieved over the past years would be possible without the incorporation of ESN as a legal person, and the grounding in Brussels. Not only does an office provide coordination, vision and steering force, but it also enables the recognition and identification of volunteers, sections and national boards in the organisation.

It is not by accident that over these years ESN provided itself, for the first time, with a common visual identity, a new logo and visual elements that made the organisation stand out not only visually, but as an example of modern and dynamic organisational management.

Other important projects, successfully launched in 2005-2007, that would have not been possible without a central office were the ESNsurvey and the ESNcard – both now a well-established reality but over those years a novelty. Furthermore, after a long application process in 2007, ESN gained the status of Candidate Member of the European Youth Forum. Finally, ESN received an accreditation at the Council of Europe European Youth Foundation.

Being registered led to accessing the opportunities of acting as one organisation, while being allowed to receive the necessary funding to this end, by means of grants, donations and sponsoring – all impossible without a bank account and legal accountability.

First occupants of the current ESN Office on Rue Hydraulique 15.

ESN experienced a great deal of resistance, fear and scepticism to change. Yet, results were to arrive quickly, and adamantly. We worked hard for that, and we do not regret doing so. We all should be extremely proud of what ESN became and achieved. Tremendous work in an office in Brussels created the conditions for the current astounding list of achievements attained by the Erasmus Student Network that last year celebrated its 25th anniversary. May our beloved network, with its power and unity, reach many more anniversaries!

Curious about who the members of the ESN International Secretariat are? Find out here!

Written by Davide Capecchi, President ESN AISBL 2005-2007
Edited by Karolis Kriuka, Communication Committee 2015-2016

Categories: ESN International

Would you rather wait for the future, or build it?

ESN International news - Fri, 06/11/2015 - 17:10

World leader in the industry of high-technology cables and systems for energy and telecommunications, PRYSMIAN GROUP is a truly global company with subsidiaries in 50 countries, 89 plants, 17 research & development centers and about 19,000 employees. PRYSMIAN GROUP is strongly positioned in high-tech markets and provides the widest range of products, services, technologies and know-how.


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Read more and APPLY NOW: http://careers.prysmiangroup.com

More information: The Prysmian Group Graduate Program
Categories: ESN International
